What are we going to do....
For the women who are struggling to make sense of things - finding themselves in a world that they never even knew existed?
For the women who were just blindsided by their SA's disclosure, and are so reeling from the shock of it, they can't even tell you what they need?
For the women who have had enough of empty promises from their SA, but don't know what to do?
For the women who know things aren't good, and that they should leave their SA (at least for a little while), but have no where to go?
For the women who choose to leave their unchanging, un-recovering SA, and are now forced into living life as a single mom?
For the women whose SA's acting out has crossed the legal line, and now find themselves stranded without a partner/husband/father, and can't make it on their own?
What are we going to do?
Where do we start?
Well, that's where the feedback part that I'm hoping for comes in. Because I have a vision. I have a passion to see a place - a center, if you will, where the needs of these stories, and more, can be met. So, as I begin to try to formulate the whats and whys and hows; as I try to put into words the impact such a place would have in the lives of partners (to possible financial backers) - I would love to have real stories; real experiences; real desires; real needs as my foundation.
SO, wherever you are at in your journey...

What has been most helpful to you?
What has been most damaging to you?
What do you wish you knew?
What questions would you have addressed/answered?
What do you wish you could have? Or could do?
What form of help do you wish were more available?
What resources have you looked for, but not been able to find?
What was/is missing?
Why do PSAs (Partners of Sex Addicts) need specialized help?
How would these things make an impact on your healing?
How could you be better equipped to deal with the issues facing PSAs?
How could a center for PSAs help you rebuild your life in the wake of SA?
Would you be willing to share some of your answers to these questions? Not only will it help me as I try to get more voices speaking to these questions, but I truly believe if we can look at our pain, and find some sort of purpose in it - that can be a big aspect of healing for us.
And, I put this out there, too - do you know others who would want to help? I'm talking men/women who would want to contribute - through connecting me to someone, or helping with fundraising, or volunteering their talent (web design, etc.), or .... something to answer this question, "What are we going to do?"
There's so much to do; so much I see that is needed. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I would LOVE to help you with this! I was so tortured and did not know where to go for help. I went to 2 different therapists who ( on their website) said they specialized in Sexual addiction but actually only HEARD of it but hadnt really treated it or helped a SA partner. Then I accidentally stumbled across Pete and with the first email - he called me with in minutes of that email- my life changed. I had someone whose first words to me were ITS NOT YOU! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! and for the first time talking to a professional - I believed him, I needed to talk about Sexual addiction, ask questions, go through my emotions almost constantly during the day but had no one to talk to. So I think what a SA partner needs is a mentor from the very beginning. Someone who understands that it is only at 9:00 pm at night- after the kids are in bed- that you can finally fall apart and need support. Or when things are going ok and them BAM- the emotions, memories or fears come out of nowhere and you need someone to call just to be reassured for just a minute so you can pick your self up and carry on just a little longer. We need a friend who knows. I will do anything and everything I can to help.
ReplyDeleteDonna - thank you for your response! As I was reading what you wrote, the idea of having a 24 hour "hotline", or rather, support line, became vivid - and it sounds AMAZING! I can clearly remember being up in the middle of the night, trying desperately to find some answers, and ended up calling some 24 hour hotline that wasn't in the slightest bit helpful, except that a living person's voice was comforting in that moment. Hmmmm - my mind is going, going, going! And thanks for saying you will do any and everything you can to help. As things go from planning stage into the next stage, I'm sure I'll be giving you a call!
DeleteThat is exactly what we need! a 24 hour hotline indeed! Yes because as we all know- sleep is scarce in the days following a SA confession ( or whatever you want to call it when you find out) Glad I could help and I will be ready and willing anytime you call.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I'm in the background, working on some stuff. When the time comes, I will definitely call you! :D