"You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and there you have THE FACTS OF LIFE..."

Yes, feathered bangs, large collars, and bell-bottoms galore! Good times.
So, where exactly am I going with all this? Good question! In many aspects of life, we are pressured from society - bosses, co-workers, family - even ourselves, to come up with our "5 year plan", or create an impressive "vision board."
Now, don't get me wrong - I'm a life coach, and we're all about helping others create vision. In fact, without a vision - without some sort of goal or hope for our future, things quickly become purposeless and empty. But that's the topic for another blog. Today, I'm talking about those times when we are SO in the middle of the hard places, that looking to the future is scary. For some of us, we fear that our SA may never embrace their recovery the way that will help us feel safe again. For others, it's the fear of the unknown - how will the consequences of my SA's acting out affect me, our family, our financial situation? And yet for others, it's the fear of having to start over, because the relationship just couldn't be salvaged.
It's in those dark and low places that the mantra, "It will get better; things are gonna get better someday." just doesn't cut it. The mantra that has gotten me through those "I feel like I'm in a dark pit" days, time and time again, has been: "One day at a time, Sarah. You just have to have enough strength and grace for today. You don't have to have the problems that MIGHT come up tomorrow answered today. One day at a time." (And there's the tie - in to the TV shows!) When we take things in bite -size chunks, we can look at the day and, through the grace of God, find peace in the moment. When the fear about the future takes us to a place that we are nearly paralyzed - if we take JUST today, the enormity of the fear somehow doesn't loom quite as menacingly; we can find the strength and grace to conquer today! We can find clarity - for today. We can find meaning - for today. We can experience love - today.
What can you find today? What are you experiencing today? How can taking things, "One day at a time" help you? What can you do for yourself - today - that will help you find what you need?
As always, if what you need is someone to help you through your dark, low days, and re-learn how to take it, "One day at a time", leave me a message, or call me - or, come to PULSE.
'Til next week, my sisters. Take care of yourselves.
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